How & Why I Started Blogging

One question I am constantly asked whenever I do an Instagram Q&A is, 'how and why did you start blogging?', so I thought it was time that I wrote a blog post on the topic! So many people nowadays are interested in entering the online content creation industry and want to know where to begin, so hopefully this will give you a little bit of inspiration if you're thinking of doing it for yourself.

Plus I'm trying to get back into my roots of writing on here. I absolutely loved writing on here back in the day and I feel like it has been overshadowed by Instagram (which is absolutely my baby).

Why Did I Start Blogging?

Back in 2014 I was midway through my first year at university and had just received my first ever 'proper' camera for Christmas. I always enjoyed photography and it's been my dream to write a novel, but at the time I had found studying English at university was extremely draining on my creativity. One day, I was browsing online and discovered an article on Cosmopolitan's website showing the winners of that year's Cosmo Blog Awards. I clicked through and started checking out the websites of the winners, with the one I remember most significantly being The Londoner, who had won the Lifestyle Blogger Category.

As soon as I clicked on her website I immediately became addicted. I loved seeing Rose's adventures, her life and her photographs, as well as seeing how she actually did this as a job, not just a hobby. It blew my mind that you could have these amazing opportunities and even get paid to blog and that blogging wasn't just a hobby.

I stared at the screen and thought, "I could do that!", and so I did.

How Did I Start Blogging?

I set up my blog, which was then called The Brighton Girl (because I lived in Brighton haaa), the next day and I never looked back.

It was nothing fancy, just a simple Blogger blog using one of their own templates, but I knew immediately what my end goal was - to make it my career. I knew it was possible, I maybe wasn't quite sure how or what I was doing, but I knew what I wanted, even if it would take me years.

I think when people ask me this question they expect an elaborate answer, but really the only advice I can give you is just do it and stick with it. If it's your goal to make it your career, then you go for it! Just make sure you also have the passion and drive to go along with it. It took me around 3 years before I was even paid a small amount for any of my content - everything I created in that time, posting every day, scheduling tweets, taking photos, investing in new outfits, it all was off my own back because I wanted it so much.

So many people start blogs every single day thinking they'll immediately get gifted items, money and press trips within the week, but like any career, everything takes time. As Princess Tiana says, "The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work!" and she's right!

I hope this blog has given you a little bit of an insight into how and why I started my blog all those years ago and answered a few of your burning Qs! x