So...I accidentally created a birthday shoot...but it's okay! Instead, I'm celebrating my Un-birthday and if it's you're un-birthday too, let me know so we can celebrate together!
The lovely folks at Selkie (one of my all time favourite dress companies), very kindly sent me my dream dress last month. It was such a dream come true as I've had my eye on the rainbow puff for so long now, although to be honest, every single one of their dresses is goals!
Dress gifted from Selkie | Flower crown gifted from Wild Rose & Sparrow | Cake gifted from Peggy Porschen | Flowers gifted from Arena Flowers
So, I wanted to create something really beautiful and special for this dress. I decided to set up a pastel rainbow themed tea party in the woods, incorporating all of my favourite things into one epic photo. The set up and photoshoot took us around five hours to complete, but it was totally worth it as I think these are some of my favourite photos ever!
I highly recommend checking out Selkie and their stunning range of dresses. The puff designs are my favourites, just because they're so flattering on everyone and the movement in them is just wonderful x