The Year of Endings

For me, 2016 was the year of endings. Happy or sad, they came in many different forms. It wasn't until this week, when I was looking back at all the good things that had happened, that I realised just quite how many there were.

My time at university ended. I graduated with a degree; an actual degree! ME! 

My time in Brighton ended. With graduation came the moving. I had to leave behind the place where I had lived for nearly four years with a heavy heart. But with this came the joy of buying my dream house. 

Friendships ended. Some friendships that I honestly thought would have lasted a lifetime ended, just like that. Looking at it now, I still feel sad, but also happy that I have discovered who my true friends are.

My relationship ended. I haven't really spoken about this one much, and I probably still won't. Part of me wants to write a whole blog post dedicated to it, but I still don't think I'm ready for everyone to know the full story. All I'll say is that this was one of the best endings of 2016. That relationship was abusive on so many levels and it wasn't until escaping it after four years that I could finally see what I was in. 

My jobs ended. 2016 actually marked the end of three jobs for me. One of them was absolutely perfect; my job in Brighton, and I was gutted to leave behind some wonderful girls who made me feel so special. I will soon be leaving my third job, hoping that 2017 will open a new door. 

If I'm honest, I absolutely cannot wait for 2017. I have a little feeling inside of me that everything is going to change, that it's going to be my year. I'm starting the year in Dubai, one of my favourite places in the world, turning 23 and attending a seriously cool blogger event. It feels like 2016 was kind of like a sorting year, with the universe kind of organising everything into place so I could be where I really needed to be. And if I'm honest, I've never felt happier. 

Maybe it's all these endings or something else, but I really think 2017 will be the year of beginnings.