I'm sure my obsession with being a Disney princess is already very apparent to you if you've been reading my blog for a while, but if you're new here (Hello lovely new reader!) then here is the living proof.
So the theme of the first show choir social of the year was 'Animation', which in my ears literally just means 'Disney'. Sadly, my funds do not extend to going all out with a proper costume so I usually just have to make do with what I have. With the majority of my dresses being either black or red, I saw this being a problem. Until I pulled this beauty out of the wardrobe.
Purple dress = Rapunzel, yes?
I absolutely adore this dress from Lipsy which I bought about a year ago. I once wore it in London and a woman on a bike rode past and called out "Nice dress!"
I knew a purple dress wouldn't be enough for other non-hardcore Disney fans. So I went out and bought a ton of hair flowers and then asked Allie to bring round more. Luckily, the hair did the trick and made me recognisable.
Allie styled my amazing hair (because plaits elude me) by clipping in hair extensions that were the same length as my hair and then creating a five stranded plait. The plait over my head is a plait headband which can be found basically anywhere, but mine is from Claire's and matches perfectly. She then smothered the plait in flowers, as you can see.
I kept my makeup quite natural, trying to accentuate the eyes as they are Rapunzel's most noticeable feature (despite the 50ft hair). For my eyes I applied thin black eyeliner to my lash line and half of the lower lash line, then added my all time favourite false eyelashes; Eyelure Katy Perry in 'Oh Honey'.
Allie, the fancy dress queen, was Princess Jasmine and I highly recommend you check out her costume over on her blog.
Overall, the night was enjoyable. I'm not a big party animal and I don't really drink alcohol, so clubbing is my idea of hell, but the bars were super fun and I met loads of new show choir recruits who have been sucked into the madness.