Little Changes

In my previous post, I spoke briefly about taking baby steps to step outside of my comfort zone this year; to make little changes in my life in order to really live it, rather than avoid every single opportunity that comes my way which makes me feel uncomfortable. This has been such an important part of my second year at university that it would be silly of me not to share it with all of you. 

For many years I've lived with the attitude that I can't go out because I don't drink, and even if I do I will hate it. Some of this is still true (I can't change overnight!); I hate clubbing, I still don't get drunk and I would never take drugs. But, contrary to what I used to believe, this doesn't make me a hermit and it certainly doesn't mean I can't enjoy going out with friends. 

If you don't try, you'll never know. And the one thing I've found is that if you go into something with no expectations, it will usually end up being one of the best decisions you ever made. 

Here are some little changes I've made in an attempt to be braver this year.


To Try.

There may be places in time where you find yourself overwhelmed by the possibility of disappointment or embarrassment, but you must never give up. You must always try. 

Let go the thoughts of potential failure.

To Smile.

Enjoy your days for what they are; days of your life. You only have one life, so live everyday like it's an adventure.

Be happy. Spread happiness, even to those who do not want it. Mostly yourself.

To Believe.

Believe you can step outside of your comfort zone, that you can make new friends and try new experiences. Say 'yes', and you will find more happiness there than you realise.